Washington State Department of Health: COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Commercial Maritime Settings

We are pleased to share with you that the COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Commercial Maritime Settings in Washington State is now completed and posted to the DOH site. This document provides public health guidance for maritime settings on minimizing the frequency and severity of COVID-19 outbreaks to protect the health of workers and passengers while continuing operations. Because vessels are congregate settings, public health guidance for the general public is not always applicable; this document is intended to be used as a resource and reference document for commercial maritime settings.

COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Commercial Maritime Settings in Washington State (PDF)

About the Author:

Discovery Health MD is a Seattle-based medical risk management and consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations mitigate medical risk among large mobile and remote workforces. They have been at the forefront of the COVID-19 response in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. They leverage the expertise of a seasoned team of medical professionals and close ties with local academic institutions to streamline back-to-work protocols and testing options for the maritime industry and beyond.

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